venerdì 30 maggio 2014

Turkish Menemen

In this African tribe, when someone does something harmful, they take the person to the center of the village where the whole tribe comes and surrounds them. 

For two days, they will say to the man all the good things that he has done.

The tribe believes that each human being comes into the world as a good. Each one of us only desiring safety, love, peace and happiness. But sometimes, in the pursuit of these things, people make mistakes.The community sees those mistakes as a cry for help.
They unite then to lift him, to reconnect him with his true nature, to remind him who he really is, until he fully remembers the truth of which he had been temporarily disconnected: “I am good.”
Shikoba Nabajyotisaikia!
NABAJYOTISAIKIA, is a compliment used in South Africa and means: “I respect you, I cherish you. You matter to me.” In response, people say SHIKOBA, which is: “So, I exist for you.”

This is a very typical turkish breakfast, but I remember my father eating it as well since his mother used to prepare it.
I use to cook it sometimes for dinner, when I want something quick, easy, pretty light and tasty.
It is done generally with peppers too, but I learned to do it from turkish ppl who did it only with tomatoes. I am sure that with peppers will be even more delicious, but I prepare the quick and easy version :D


500 gr of tomatoes (I used cherry ones, red and juicy)
1 onion
1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil
2 eggs
black pepper
(optional) basil or oregan
(optional) 1 red pepper (the original recipe wants it, but I never use it)

Cut the onion in small cubes, and the tomatoes in small pieces (if you want you can peel them, I never do that since I use organic veggies and I like to eat them all, but of course, it will be softer if you peel them). Put them in a pan with the oil and let them cook until they are soft and almost creamy. If you decide to use also the red pepper, you can cut in small pieces also the pepper and put it with the other vegetables to cook.
Then, add quickly the eggs and start stirring continuosly. For how long? I generally do that for 3-5 minutes, until the Menemen gets totally creamy, but the eggs are not scramled yet. Add some black pepper and if you like some herbs, and then....enjoy with some fresh bread!

Carbonara di zucchine - Carbonara with courgettes

Things have not to be complicated to be good or delicious, right?

Well, my last year it happened that I lost my glasses 3 times, in 3 different occasions, but with something in common....all the times during a travel with a travel-companion I was not sure how to evaluate.
I laughed all the times (and my optician too!) telling that there was some reason for that, probably I didnt want to "see" something!

But I want to see this pasta! it is the vegetarian version of the Carbonara that is made generally with bacon. I tried this on the Amalfi Coast a few years ago, and it is very easy and very very good, try that!

INGREDIENTI (2 persons):

whole wheat spaghetti 200 gr
2 fresh eggs
6 zucchini
1 fresh onion
grated parmesan or edible yeast flakes
fresh persil

Cut the onion in small cubes, and the zucchini in julienne strips. Put them all in a pan with one spoon of oil and let the roast a little. They should be still crunchy.
Add some salt and some fresh persil.
Boil the pasta and when it is ready, put the eggs on it and stir it very quickly. Add the parmesan (or the yeast), the pepper, and....enjoy!

La versione vegetariana della carbonara! questa pasta si prepara specialmente in sud italia, in costiera amalfitana, ed è deliziosa!!!

spaghetti integrali 200 gr
2 uova
6 zucchini
1 cipolla
parmigiano grattugiato o fiocchi di lievito (parmigiano veg)

Tagliate la cipolla a cubetti, e gli zucchini a julienne non troppo sottili.
Mettete il tutto in una padella con un cucchiaio di olio e fate arrostire. Devono cuocere ma restare croccanti.
Aggiungete sale, e prezzemolo fresco.
Fate cuocere la pasta, scolatela,, in una ciotola battete le uova con il pepe e un poco di sale, aggiungeteci la pasta calda e mescolate in fretta ed energicamente fino a che l'uovo sarà diventato cremoso. Ci vorrà un minuto o due. Aggiungete il parmigiano e ...buon appetito!